How Generation Z differs from the millennials

Brands just starting to get used to the millennials , also known as Generation Y, these young people born in the 80s (and expanding a little hand in the early 90s) who grew up in times of economic boom, were highly trained and educated and found to reach adulthood with palazo of the biggest economic crisis in living memory. She arrived turned into consumers (who played seduce brands) and with completely different from those of previous generations values.

But when the millennials were becoming – more or less – understood, a new name appears in the environment. Has come the Z generation, formed by those born after 1995, and having a composition of different values to brands and businesses aware of that until now were his younger consumers.

Generation Z is different from the previous generation, his older brothers, and much more than before, their parents, because they have grown up in a completely different environment. They grew up in the years of the global economic crisis and before that in which they were dominated by the threat of global terrorism. In the United States, for example, it stands out is the generation raised in the shadow 11S. They have seen and have learned that traditional decisions do not always succeed, as illustrated by the study of Sparks & Honey.

How Generation Z differs from the millennialsOne of the points that differ most is in the labor aspirations, demonstrating not only the generational change but also the need to speak differently. Job expectations of each other are strongly different, as evidenced by a recent study from Millennial Branding and Randstad. “They resemble be more realistic rather than optimistic, are more career oriented and can be adapted more effectively to technological changes in the workplace,” explains Dan Schawbel, Millennial Branding, as collected Inc. “In addition, since the Z generation has seen what Generation Y has suffered during the recession, they come to less qualified and more equipped for success better prepared work.”

How are the working environment of Generation Z? They have more entrepreneurship (the number of people who want to own their own business among those born after 1995 is higher than the previous generation) but surprisingly admire the older generation. They consider that are creative, open-minded and intelligent (the millennials think of them that are lazy). Although they are technology users prefer the relationship in person. And about his relationship with the company will not be faithful for life (they, like the millennials, opt for varied careers) and what they value most is that their leaders are honest.

To this is added that are especially motivated in their studies and feel they are more focused than the millennials when directing their academic curriculum.

Already they have weight in purchasing decisions

For brands, the millennials are a great question because they do not understand very well, how they are and what they want. There is more to see the headlines and focus than traditional media – and led by previous generations – give the news on trying to analyze. If the spoiled generation, if you are evil ? They coexist with those who proclaim the millennial going to change the world (and even save it !). The truth is that neither generation is neither better nor worse than the previous ones (although objectively which is better prepared and which has a greater number of individuals trained), just different. You can always do the test Pew Research to find out how Millennial is one to understand.

What value the millennials in your life are different things: they are creative, idealistic, do not give much importance to money as happiness (hence they can change jobs, to the horror of his parents, because they are not happy) and are very critical according to social rules. Are those behind the changes in policy (as with 15M or Occupy), although – accuse analysts – have not been consistent enough or delivered to all that something permanent.

For brands, the millennials are a new world with totally different challenges. They prefer to live in cities before going to the suburbs, expect brands to cover for them completely subjective needs (look for brands that love, not brands that give them a particular service as did their fathers) and added to the decision points purchase items such as product origin, manufacture or which respect the environment and society. Companies had to switch to forced marches and take all these dilemmas, especially because this age group was the largest market they had ever had.

In his approach to the generation Z will not have to wait that long: they already have weight in purchasing decisions, although they are still teenagers. The 75% of the members of Generation Z and influences buying decisions vacation from their parents and 35% accompanies themto review when it comes to buying furniture for home. Buy more online than previous generations and are more concerned about the information. They are reported more about the issues that set the news agenda, but also on any other subject.

Some of the things that brands had to learn for millennials, serve them now for their younger siblings. They are also very concerned about the impact of man on the planet and what can be done to improve society. In fact, 26%performed volunteer activities. In addition, compared with Millennials, Generation Z is considered primarily responsible, so approach them stressing the idea of being a free spirit will not be as successful as their predecessors.

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