Color therapy: Science or pseudoscience

The chromotherapy is, as its name suggests, the use of color or colors, either by light or other forms of exposure to supposedly make treatment of various health problems.

Depending on how you approach it , it is an area halfway between science and pseudoscience, between medicine and what is not. Let’s take a brief look on some of the applications and usefulness of chromotherapy.

Color therapy Science or pseudoscienceUse of light and color for welfare

The light influences our body. It does in the wake / sleep in the night ‘s sleep rhythm and also affects health, because we know that we need adequate exposure to sunlight to be free from certain disorders and diseases.

Likewise, color is important in the well . There are colors that we “activate” others that we “relax”. Everyone has favorite colors. The colors of a room and give us feelings can affect our mood . Therefore, we can say that in popular culture , color therapy, either with lights or using colors, it has some influence on our health .

In certain cases there is a component , so to say, physical or organic explaining the benefits. It is clear in the case of sunlight, it is necessary for the synthesis of vitamin D . We also know that the use of bright lights near the blue spectrum (such as computer screens and smartphones) can cause problems such as insomnia, while light orange or reddish color does not interfere much with the ability to sleep.

And there are some studies that show that certain uses of color therapy, in specific cases, can be useful. For example, in some cases of mental health problems such as mania or depression.

Chromotherapy: Where is the line between science and what is not?

The problem is the basis . That is, we know that the use of certain colors may favor a relaxation of mind (as well relax, for example, music, or a nice environment).

We have also said that there are certain effects on the biological level of elements such as sunlight, red or orange light, blue light or bluish white … But the reasoning is that, biological.

The base of chromotherapy explains that colors by itself, have therapeutic effects. Influence on organs, act on the body’s energy (chakras), and there are colors that can stimulate or relax, but also promote understanding, strengthen the defenses, acting regulating diseases such as hypertension or diabetes … Of this there is no evidence or, if any, are weak and likely to be in not too methodologically appropriate studies.

We recently discussed the kinesiotaping, and we referred to the different colors have no function on the body (indeed, even the manufacturers usually give this type of non – verified information), but there are professionals and users who think that each color has a therapeutic effect and a different indications (we repeat, this is not true).

Therefore, and in conclusion, we note that both light and color have effects on the body, because they affect us in some way, a physical and mental level: that is undeniable.

What we can not do is attribute mystical qualities to the use of color, or pretend that acts on the body at levels that are unproven and probably will be, once again, to superstitions, beliefs and placebo effect.

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