Five Yoga postures that help you relieve back pain

The long days sitting in front of the computer , the bad postures maintained in time and the sedentary lifestyle are often the culprits of one of the most widespread pains in the population: back pain . Most people report pain in both the upper back area (usually due to a forward neck position that generates a great tension at the height of the trapezius) and in the lower back (the forward neck posture also modifies the lordosis lumbar).

Strengthen the muscles of the back, elongate the muscles and mobilize the spine can be a good help in improving our back pain, and this is something that we can achieve through different Yoga postures. Today we present you five different Yoga postures to improve the health of your back that you can do in your own home.

The posture of the dog upside down

Perhaps one of the best known positions of yoga practice and that is usually part of most sessions of this discipline. It is a semi-investment position in which the head is at the same height as the feet and also helps us stretch our spine and stretch the muscles of our posterior chain.

The key to the position of the dog face down is to direct our coccyx upwards while pushing the floor with our hands and imagine how our spine lengthens. Through this axial elongation we release the intervertebral tension, creating space between vertebra and vertebra.

The posture of the cobra

The posture of the Yoga cobra is generally performed in a complementary manner with the dog face down (both are part, for example, of the famous sequence of sun salutation ) since between the two combine the movement of flexion and extension of the column , perfect to perform a mobilization of this area of ​​the body that usually stays under a lot of tension during most of the day.

Among the general indications that can help us perform the posture of the cobra correctly we can include projecting our chest forward, maintaining a correct alignment of our neck (do not throw your head back or look at the ground just below us ), move the shoulders away from the ears and keep the muscles of the posterior chain of our body activated.

The position of the clamp or the half clamp

Another of the semi-investment positions that help us relax the back musculature is that of the clamp or the half clamp , which involves a flexion of our body forward from the standing posture. As we bend our body forward we release the column from the pressure it suffers in the usual position: we can let ourselves fall forward and swing from side to side to relax.

It is important that, when making this position , we are aware of our limitations to avoid hurting or frustrating us . Some people who start doing Yoga and do not have much flexibility or simply their posterior muscles are shortened by spending long hours sitting, they can feel frustrated when performing these types of positions. Given this, patience and practice, everything comes with time.

The plow pose

A position that, despite appearing complicated, is quite simple to carry out, especially if we have a professional to guide us in the different progressions and regressions. In this semi-investment position, the entire lumbar load is released , thus helping to relax and stretch the muscles of the back.

In the plow position we must be clear that the weight does not fall on the neck , but we are supported on the shoulder blades: our neck is as relaxed as possible, without tension. As general indications, we will have to try to reach far with our feet and place the hip just above our shoulders.

The position of the child or Balasana

A comfortable posture that is usually adopted in Yoga sessions after having worked the mobility of the spine . The buttocks are supported on the heels and, although traditionally the arms are placed backwards on both sides of the body, we can also place them forward and try to get away with them.

In this position we get a stretch of our lower back , which is released from the tension to which it is subjected throughout the day.

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