Anxiety and stress can be debilitating, and if you are suffering from either of these, you may be considering the different ways to treat it. One method you may not have considered is acupuncture, but this is becoming increasingly recognised as an effective way to treat these conditions.
What Is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a tradition of oriental medicine that dates back over thousands of years. It involves the insertion of fine needles at specific points of the body to help regulate the flow of energy and is believed to have numerous health benefits. If acupuncture is a treatment that interests you, an internet search will be likely to reveal a number of practitioners in your area. For example, if you live in Evesham, search for acupuncture Evesham and you should get results for practitioners such as Purelands Acupuncture.
Treating Stress and Anxiety
Acupuncture can have an effect on the hormonal balance and the nervous system, and by stimulating certain points, an acupuncturist can treat anxiety and stress. These points may include [Yin Tang](,, a point between the eyebrows that can help relieve headaches and calm the mind, and PC6, a point on the inner forearm that can alleviate nausea, stress and anxiety.
Does It Work?
While acupuncture has an ancient history in the East, in Western medicine it is new and not always accepted. If you are suffering from anxiety and stress, you may have found that many treatments, including pills, have not always been successful. A good acupuncture practitioner will not advise you to turn your back on Western approaches to anxiety and stress, but they can suggest acupuncture methods that many have found effective. Acupuncture is not so much an alternative therapy as a complementary one. One way acupuncture can work is by reducing cortisol, the stress hormone, while boosting endorphins and serotonin. It can also help calm the nervous system, reducing symptoms like a rapid heartbeat, tension and shallow breathing while boosting emotional well-being.
To find out more, contact a practitioner who will be happy to talk you through what they can do.