Getting an education is one of the most important steps that you can take for yourself. Being educated opens so many doors and presents opportunities that you never dreamed of before. However, the bottom line is that four-year universities are not the ideal fit for everyone. If you want to obtain an alternative certification or degree, there is another option available that can help achieve that goal but without the typical college experience. Have you ever considered looking into a vocational or technical college?
A Hands-On Option To Prepare You For Work
If you’re good with your hands and like learning practical skills, a technical college might be the ideal fit for you. These types of colleges will often offer one to two-year certifications and help make you job-ready in a matter of semesters. Some common programs found at technical colleges include:
Automotive Programs
These can range from anything to car repair and maintenance to leadership and managerial training. Bast of all, these programs are often less than a year long (some nine months) and offer certifications that can open doors real-life automotive employment opportunities down the road.
Computer Science
Whether you want to learn how to create applications or are interested in the networking side of things, many computer science programs offer one-year certifications that entry-level jobs find valuable and very hirable. If you’d like to continue past the one-year mark, obtaining an AA in computer science looks even better on a resume!
Nursing and Medical Programs
Some locations offer RN (registered nurse) degrees, but it depends on the program that you’re looking into. Most technical colleges will offer at least an LPN (licensed practicing nurse) degree or a CNA certification (certified nurse’s aide).
No matter what your long-term goals are, obtaining a certification or degree can help you to get your foot in the door at work. You don’t need a four-year degree from an ivy-league school to prepare for and land a great job.