The best ingredients to combine with cheese this Christmas

The cheeses are very versatile, can use them in sweet and savory hot, cold or plates and therefore be safe present at one of our recipes Christmas. To get most out of them, we tell you what the best ingredients to combine with cheese are.

Healthy combinations based cheese

We know that there are no good or bad foods, but there are healthy and bad combinations of ingredients that we know if we lucidness with our dishes and also can get the most out of each product you use.

Therefore, for lovers of cheese, know what ingredients are the best combinations in terms of nutrition and also regarding its flavor and aroma, will be of great help if you want to achieve healthy and quality food.

For good combinations, it is important to remember that the cheeses have mostly a high percentage of sodiumprotein quality, calciumvitamin Dpotassium and varying amounts of fat.

Accordingly, we will choose taking into account not only the taste but also nutrients other ingredients that help us optimize the absorption of vitamins and minerals or improve the availability of any of them when combined with cheese.

The best ingredients to combine with cheese

Considering the nutrients it has cheese and some of them can be better used in our body in the presence of others, you count what the best ingredients to combine with cheese and why:

Fresh fruits: Fresh fruits generally offer citric acid and vitamin C in varying amounts. Both factors favor the use of calcium present cheeses therefore combine fresh fruit and cheese is always good alternative. For example, this persimmon salad and Granada, these mini puff pastry tarts with figs and two cheeses or those with orange balsamic creamy cheesecake with strawberries.

Nuts and seeds: These ingredients have high proportion of good fats, fiber and plant proteins that complement well with the absence of these nutrients have cheese, but also vitamin E from nuts and seeds are best used in the presence fat cheese and conversely, vitamin A cheese will be absorbed before the first fat. Good dishes that use this combination are the tortilla asparagus, almonds and manchego cheese, the classic pesto sauce, the stuffed camembert nuts, or this pie with cheese, nuts and honey.

Fresh green leaves: Green leaves are a source of fiber that comes in handy to accompany cheeses and also provide all its freshness to them, but also green leaves are carotenoids that are better absorbed in the presence of fats that can offer cheeses. Therefore, we can combine these ingredients in salads like this containing iceberg lettuce and feta cheese, the caesar salad and the Greek salad with spinach and goat cheese.

Pasta, rice and flour: These foods rich in carbohydrates in the presence of protein-rich cheeses increase their nutritional value and reduce their glycemic index, resulting in a more satisfying and complete combination. We can implement this combination in pasta with vegetables and feta cheese in sauce gnocchi with mascarpone cheese, on a pizza or in a risotto for example.

Fresh herbs: With certain herbs or spices cheeses combine more than others, for example, with the parsley and basil rich in carotenoids, cheese blends well with its rich in fats that improve the use of these pigments. Also, with paprikachilli or coriander, which have vitamin C, cheeses benefit because calcium absorption is favored? Then we can use these combinations in a salad with basil, mozzarella and other ingredients, or in sauces, stews and other dishes.

The reality is that in flavor, the cheese go well with almost all kinds of ingredients, we only choose the right copies.

However, if we want to maximize nutrients and promote its use in our body, it is best to use one of the combinations before these, because these ingredients with different cheeses improve the quality of our courses and become much healthier.

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