What is Customs Tax?

What is customs tax? This is a government charge placed on goods and services that cross international borders. These goods are anything that is considered a good or service. It can include personal effects, food, or hazardous items. The customs authority is responsible for collecting tariffs and controlling the flow of these goods. The taxes…

Tips for Better Inventory Management

With e-commerce businesses expanding all over the world and the necessity to maintain a tight grip on costs, better inventory management is now a mandatory requirement for such enterprises. The ability to foresee stock levels and to curtail stock holding by a certain percentage is one of the most critical factors in running an efficient…

Staff rewards help improve productivity and morale

Your staff are your best asset and many businesses are looking for ways in which they can boost morale and productivity at work. In some cases, this might mean looking at working practices and ways in which they can help with the amount of work that the employees need to do, and in other cases,…

What is crude oil and where does it come from

Crude oil makes up the petrol and diesel that we can pay for using a Fuel Card for our business vehicle. Fuel Card Services mean that employees don’t have to submit expense claims every time they buy fuel. In order for the oil to be turned into petrol or diesel, it is passed through a…

The benefits of using Fuel Cards in your business

Fuel cards are being more widely used by businesses as a quick and efficient way for employees to be able to fill up their company vehicles without the need for filling in expense forms. In the past this was the only way that fuel could be reimbursed to employees and it often meant filling in…

Top Reasons to Hire a Digital Marketing Agency

Starting up a business and running it takes a lot of work but business growth should take priority. One of the best tools for growing your business client base is digital marketing. It is a modern way of advertising and a great strategy for reaching a wider audience, even if you are on a tight…

How to protect your business from a constructive dismissal claim

A Constructive Dismissal Claim is something that no business wants to be dealing with. This type of claim made by an ex-employee through a professional company such as www.employmentlawfriend.co.uk/constructive-dismissal is usually as a result of the unfair treatment of the employee by someone else, usually in a line management position, within your business. This could…

The importance of brand storytelling

Brands are made up of a number of different elements such as the logo, colours, photos and typography that are used on the marketing materials. The aim is to develop these in such a way that customers instantly recognise the brand when they see elements such as the logo or taglines.  A good Brand Strategy…

What To Do Before a New Tenant Moves In

If you are a landlord, and after a while of searching for a tenant, you finally found one, well done! There are some things you have to do before they move to ensure that you are fulfilling your end of the contract, so you are not breaking the law, and so your tenant won’t have…

How To Increase Your Chances of Getting a Job

Job searching is definitely hard work and not fun, especially now due to the amount of people being forced to look for new jobs after the pandemic. There are things that you can do, however, that can increase your chances of getting a job. Read on to find out how. Make your CV stand out…