63% of marketers know the ROI of their actions on social media

Brands have begun to realize that there is a huge gap between access to the data they need and those that are actually available to them, either by others or circumstances because they are not able to properly interpret them in a timely manner.

For marketers is no longer the information and analytics are crucial for business, but they are vital for themselves. More than half, 54% of those surveyed by Domo are financially compensated based on the return on investment in marketing, even though not all and can not always evaluate the effectiveness of their campaigns.

63% of marketers know the ROI of their actions on social media, and 49% say either not knowing the return of search optimization campaigns. The data are very important in their work, they are the basis of strategies and decisions for 87% of marketers. But only 45%, according to the survey of Domo, believes it has enough access to them to carry out their work efficiently.

It is information that is very valuable, especially in real time. 83% emphasizes that aspect, thirteen points more than a year ago. However, only 37% of them coincide in pointing out that have available real-time data when needed. With email marketing something similar happens. Know the importance of having the data as soon as possible, 83% of them makes use of measurement tools, but a scant 9% evaluates the results daily.

On the other hand, they are aware of the importance of combining several sources of information for more accurate results but, instead, even though 80% thinks so, only 19% say they have enough ability to do so.

One of his biggest problems is maybe you are overwhelmed with the impressive amount of information studies or measurement and analysis tools offer. And sometimes find it difficult to sort the data and draw the most important trends to guide their decisions in the right direction.According to the study, 66% of marketers is overwhelmed by the volume of information, 59% are frustrated by the time it takes to get the reports and also 50% of them consider that these marketing reports sometimes suffer from lack of information.

The survey certainly Domo offers a pessimistic view of the sector. Are there missing economic or personal resources? Or do we need more training in the field of analytics to leverage the vast amounts of data that are collected daily consumer behavior?

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