When is it time to get a stairlift?

As we get older, the time may come when everyday tasks become more difficult than they used to. Walking up the stairs often places a great deal of pressure on the joints and muscle groups that the elderly can find very sore. Other problems such as arthritis or a prior hip fracture – as well…

Meal plans for netball players and their benefits

Netball is a surprisingly intense sport, especially when played at competitive level, and players need to be fit and healthy to perform at their best. Image Credit While fitness training is important, what players eat is also crucial, as they’ll need good energy intake, and enough protein, carbs and liquids to keep them at their…

These are the most common mistakes you make when swimming

Swimming is one of the sports that a priori may be easier to practice, since we can think that everything comes down to throwing ourselves in the water and begin to move arms and legs and go breathing as we move. But having a proper swimming technique, whatever our style (crawl, breaststroke, back or butterfly) , can make a big…

HIIT training methods to burn fat in different ways

HIIT describes by its abbreviations in English a training at intervals of high intensity that allows to work in a short time to stop, thus favoring the burning of fats . To put it into practice there are several HIIT training methods ofwhich today we tell you their details to burn fat in different ways . Always keeping the essence of…