In addition to being extremely good-looking, wood is great for the environment. Responsibly-sourced wood is a renewable building material that is naturally produced and generates much less energy than other building materials. Other building materials may need a large amount of fossil fuel to be produced; in addition, the embodied carbon emissions in building materials contribute to the greenhouse gas emissions. Wood products store the carbon that the trees have removed from the air, meaning that wood can help to tackle climate change, reduce new carbon emissions into the atmosphere, and store carbon.
Wood is good for the body
Having wood in your living space has significant health and wellbeing benefits in addition to being great for the environment. Many people have less access to nature on a daily basis and spend much of their time indoors, which has a knock-on effect on their health. Incorporating the benefits of nature into the indoor space can mimic the benefits of spending time outdoors in a natural environment. A report by Planet Ark studied the effects of wooden rooms and furnishings to show the positive physiological and psychological benefits, including lowering blood pressure and heart rates, reducing stress, and improving air quality by moderating humidity.
Increase the forests
A growing demand for properly-sourced wood can be met by increasing the number of well-managed forests and plantations on cleared land. These trees will be also absorbing carbon dioxide and harmful gases from the air, such as sulphur dioxide and carbon monoxide, and releasing oxygen, providing another environmental argument for using wood.
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Better for the environment
In addition to choosing wooden furniture, doors or floors, you can choose timber frame homes. These are much better for the environment than concrete, which is one of the least environmentally-friendly materials used in home construction. In addition to being a fast and economical way to build homes, wood is also a natural insulator – timber frame walls can reduce your heating bills by up to 40 per cent. Wood is good for the planet, beneficial to your health, more economical, sustainable and naturally beautiful. Choosing wood will also help to support local tradespeople, such as carpenters and woodworkers, to boost the local economy.