Competitive Advantage: Time to market

A well-known saying goes that the important thing is to be in the right place at the right time. And I think that’s absolutely true, there is no better opportunity than that offered by the coincidence of the need for a solution, although in many cases may even be the best solution, but … if we could somehow define the time to market such as the ability to be in the market at the right time. And believe me it is not so easy to get by the companies.

The time to market requires decisions related to commercial scheduling of when to introduce a product, when to remove a product in a given market decline, ultimately when being in the market. very important issue which is crucial to decide when to be present on the market, the same strategic value to know when to quit

I commented on the difficulty of the companies from marketing primarily to discern the right time, the most efficient commercially speaking, to be present to customers. Note that most of the companies, which are serious that the marketing, say, need time periods for commercial research for decision-making, control panels, to see the lace Product so that the communication strategy exert its influence on customers, they need time.While sometimes they do not have, or that, and this is very common in many companies make improper management of commercial time, as latecomers to the market or too soon. On the other hand, also commenting that business processes work sometimes have important deviations in time, that make planned, just be a pipe dream to reality, causing arrive at an inappropriate time to market.

Competitive Advantage Time to marketWhen you work with companies doing a great job in issues of commercial research, control over results, marketing process in general, I note, with some hesitation, as the improvement of all these processes involve alterations of importance in the development of all activities to be undertaken and that this does not always taken into account when making the decision now yes, now, no. It is clear that companies with very bureaucratic organizational structures, generate many more problems when commercial opportunities, costs them more to start the machinery of decision, sometimes so much that that opportunity they perceived some time ago, already it has almost become a threat to the company. So it seems advisable some issues of concern for efficient time to market:

  • Meticulous planning, organization and control of business processes
  • Continuous study, real time market situation
  • absolutely effective flexible organization that enables quick decisions and
  • Feedback processes to the market immediately results
  • Time management in relation to markets not companies
  • Strategic and actions have short-medium and long term (it is here in the long run, where the greatest opportunities lie and where the greatest business risk for the company) approach
  • Control lifecycles customers
  • Designing distribution systems agile and interest to customers
  • Being in continuous relationship with the customer
  • Lighter design business processes methodologically and in its implementation, to gain the knowledge of what the client needs and when.
  • Having people working templates according to customer trading times, for it must be given much more freedom of choice and this requires more personal experience and professional background
  • Time management is to become an obsession for the company
  • Tools Dashboards KPIs controlling interest to see the evolution of customers, competition, etc.

With all this we must conclude is that in many cases the success differs from commercial failure, not on the quality of the product, not the communication campaign, not the price, but is at what point only are to seize the opportunity offered by the market. There are many cases of high-profile business successes, with products offering a multitude of deficiencies and inadequate commercial behavior, which came to succeed, and the only reason is that they were at the right time, when they claimed the customer and was willing to accept even with all these shortcomings.Luck also counts for success in this marketing.

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