Losing localized fat, an impossible to achieve?

There are many times that we sign up in the gym with the aim of reducing belly, reducing cartridge belts or removing the fat located in glutes, however, lose fat located in an area of ​​the body, is it impossible to achieve? Although it is very complex work and we can never achieve a reduction of…

Career technique: these are the eleven exercises that you can not miss

One of the fundamental parts of your training as a runner is the career technique. With it not only run better, but also do it more safely, avoiding possible injuries that may occur during training or racing. Normally for an amateur runner it is sufficient to include one day of career technique training per week. You do not have to dedicate…

The seven most frequent mistakes of runners in summer

If you are a runner, maybe the summer months, when temperatures rise, take a break : as we said earlier, summer can be an ideal time to work hard and prepare legs for winter races , instead of continuing adding kilometers. Or maybe you’re one of those runners who are able to keep running even when the thermometers are…

Why you should not reuse your sunscreen if it’s expired

For years now, the awareness of the danger of exposing oneself to the rays of the sun without protection has permeated most of society. According to the Association Against Cancer , 80% use sunscreen when going to the beach , 50% apply it when they practice outdoor sports in summer and 42% use products with protection daily, such as…