A Beginner’s Guide to Epoxy Adhesives

Epoxy adhesives are made by mixing two components together: the resin and the hardener. When the resin is mixed, it begins to cure. It is this chemical reaction that determines what type of properties the epoxy will have. The exothermic reaction links the polymers, and this will affect the strength and rigidity of the bond…

How to secure your garage

It’s no secret that the garage is an easy way for unsavoury characters to enter your home. Once they’ve made it through the garage doors, they will easily find their way into your home. Here are some points to keep in mind to prevent your garage entrance from becoming an easy target.

5 main causes of underground storage tank leaks

Leaks from underground storage tanks present a real threat to the environment. They can cause damage to land and water courses, they can be harmful to human health, and they can cost a fortune to clean up. Image Credit According to UK government guidance, the damage caused by leaks is likely to be greater if…

How to wire a ceiling rose

There are many aspects to consider when it comes to the successful wiring of a ceiling rose. You will need to isolate power supplies in the building and have correct knowledge of where wires should be positioned when uninstalling the existing light fitting or old ceiling rose. You should also be able to identify the…

Four Things You Did Not Know About Wills

Your will is one of the most important documents you will ever sign. It allows you to decide what happens to your money, possessions and property after your death. Image Credit Tax The government has provided useful information on making a will and how it can affect any tax payable after death. Although you can…

Country House or Marquee? Why not both?

If you’re planning your wedding this year, choosing the right venue can be tough. You might have your heart set on a gorgeous marquee affair but can’t find the right space for one. Or maybe you have fallen in love with the idea of an elegant country house wedding but can’t find one big enough…

Applications of fabric structures in roofing solutions

Fabric roof material usually consists of a base cloth that is woven then coated with an appropriate finish. Some light (around 10%) passes through the fabric, meaning that the roof is translucent. This provides a soft, diffused light that users find very acceptable, particularly compared to very bright sunlight outside the structure. Image Credit Most…

Five good reasons to get a generator

When mains electricity fails, an emergency generator is a bonus for any home or business, but there are also occasions when having access to a generator is simply essential. Life critical services Large hospitals have backup generators to keep life support equipment running, but many smaller health related businesses and support systems should also have…

Misleading smart meter radio advert banned

Adverts claiming homes save money by installing smart meters have been banned by the Advertising Standards Authority. The ASA has also told energy suppliers to stop claiming the meters are “free”, because the cost of electricity has already risen to pay for them. The estimated cost of the meters is £12billion, which will add about…