Choosing flooring wisely in commercial settings

Choosing flooring for commercial settings usually involves many more decisions than simply opting for the type that looks best. While appearance is a necessary consideration, there are usually other factors to think about, such as acoustics, maintenance requirements and energy management. Image Credit Demands of a facility The day-to-day demands of particular facilities must influence…

The Spa Waters of Cheltenham

Cheltenham Spa grew from a tiny Saxon farm village to the large town that we know today – and the main reason for the population boom started over 300 years ago when a farmer saw some pigeons pecking at salts in a field! After seeing this regularly (and noticing that the pigeons were looking healthy!),…

Why build homes with wood?

In addition to being extremely good-looking, wood is great for the environment. Responsibly-sourced wood is a renewable building material that is naturally produced and generates much less energy than other building materials. Other building materials may need a large amount of fossil fuel to be produced; in addition, the embodied carbon emissions in building materials…

Which flooring type is best for pets?

Choosing the best flooring type for your pets is imperative, to ensure that your new floor won’t be susceptible to damage and will be long-lasting and hardwearing. There are many different options available, and key considerations include durability, hygiene, and ease of repairing and cleaning.  When thinking of repairing your floors dog scratches can be…

How to choose a driving instructor

Learning to drive can often prove to be an expensive and time-consuming task. That’s why choosing the right instructor is so important so you’re not wasting valuable time and money and you’re getting the best experience with the right instructor for you. Here are some tips for looking for that instructor:

What Home Medical Supplies Are Needed for Diabetes?

People who suffer from diabetes will often be given various medical devices to take home with them. More often than not, these medical supplies are used to monitor and control symptoms of diabetes to help ensure blood sugar levels don’t drop too low or rise too high. Many people acquire diabetes thanks to genetics that…