None of us is getting any younger.

The headline contains a saying that is usually trotted out when a Middle age person or group have suffered a near defeat or just done something that have knackered them out that they realise that youth is no longer on their side and it is time to pass on the baton to a new younger…

What to do about dirty water?

Water pollution is the contamination of our water supply, whether that’s rivers, the ocean, rivers or groundwater. Such contamination can arise occasionally due to both direct or indirect commercial or industrial practices without proper removal of hazardous chemicals. Surface water includes rivers and lakes and groundwater that has seeped into the ground and travels underground.…

The diversity of denim

Where would we be without denim? This fabric has become part of the very fabric of our society and can be worn in many different ways, making these items truly flexible and adaptive clothing. Jeans, skirts, jackets and accessories have all been the mainstay of our closet for a long time now but where did…

4 good ways to protect your domain name

In the digital age, a domain is one of the biggest assets a company owns. You may have used it for years or have recently acquired it. Either way, it is susceptible to illegal activity, fraud and negligence – take steps now to ensure that you don’t lose it. Image Credit 1. Register the domain…

How to Start Building your Own Home

If you have got a bit fed up with hunting for a dream home that ticks all the boxes, building your own from scratch could be the solution for you. But before you go about building the home of your dreams, you need to find a place to build it – so the first place…

The art of clearing a construction site.

You might think that removing rubble and material from a site is a simple matter. You all turn up and begin the process of taking out everything that is not required so that the groundwork can be done. In the past this would have been the work of an army of men but now the…

Why do People Put Stuff in Storage?

Self storage companies such as this self storage Highbridge based company seem to be all over the place – but that is because they are in high demand. These are just some of the reasons that people use self-storage companies… Moving House – This is one of the biggest reasons for using storage. Sometimes people…